Hi there! 👋
I'm Florian (he/him) and you've found my CV.

I'm focused on technical writing & documentation engineering, especially for web technologies and web compatibility.
Since late 2009, my main contribution is to build web platform documentation and tooling for web developers, most notably on MDN Web Docs – a resource about web platform technologies for web developers & designers worldwide.
In 2021, I co-founded Open Web Docs for which I'm currently serving as the Director.
I live in Bremen, Germany. You can contact me via Mail, Mastodon, Bluesky, or LinkedIn.
Director, Open Web Docs
Full-time, March 2024 – today
- Chairing the Open Web Docs Steering Committee
- Leading a team of staff technical writers
- Prioritizing documentation work, create roadmaps, and milestones
- Exploring funding opportunities and partnerships
- Growing and maintaining a community of contributors actively involved in web platform documentation
Content Lead, Open Web Docs
Full-time, November 2020 – February 2024 (3 years and 4 months)
- Chairing the Open Web Docs Steering Committee
- Technical writing & documentation engineering contributions to MDN Web Docs
- Prioritizing documentation work, create roadmaps, and milestones
- Growing and maintaining a community of contributors actively involved in web platform documentation
MDN Content Lead, Mozilla
Full-time, May 2020 – October 2020 (5 months)
- Defining the high-level MDN content strategy, curating the MDN content roadmap
- Intelligence gathering on Firefox and Web platform updates that will require documentation
- Planning Firefox release documentation (release notes)
- Technical Writing (maintainer ECMAScript docs, HTTP docs, and various Web API docs)
- Project and technical lead of mdn-browser-compat-data ("BCD")
Staff Technical Writer, Mozilla
Full-time, October 2013 - May 2020 (6 years 8 months)
- Project owner of mdn-browser-compat-data (compat data used on MDN, caniuse, VS Code, Firefox Devtools, and others)
- Responsible for documenting the ECMAScript/JavaScript programming language. Complete documentation refactor for the release of ES6 in 2015.
- Curating and planning Web platform content
- Co-creator of MDN HTTP docs
- Designing content structures and information architecture
- Helping localization teams and supporting the MDN volunteer community
MDN Web Docs Contributor, Volunteer
Part-time, December 2009 - October 2013 (3 years 11 months)
- Documenting HTML5 and CSS3 Web technologies
- Documenting MathML
- Giving feedback on MDN's wiki engine (Kuma)
- Refactoring MDN content macros (KumaScript templates)
- Translating MDN content into German
Software Engineering, hmmh multimediahaus AG
Full-time, August 2010 - October 2013 (3 years 3 months)
- Software engineering internship. Judged 98% (A) by the IHK jury.
- E-commerce systems and CMS development (TYPO3, Magento, PHP/MySQL, JavaScript)
- mdn/content (Maintainer)
- mdn/browser-compat-data (Maintainer, see also caniuse collaboration)
- openwebdocs/mdn-bcd-collector (Maintainer)
- web-platform-dx/web-features (Maintainer)
- MDN documentation linting (Mentor, Google Summer of Code 2017)
Un/Conferences, talks
- W3C TPAC Anaheim, CA, 2024: Curating the web platform's data and documentation
- W3C Workshop Secure the Web Forward, 2023: Documentation for web security education
- ViewSource Amsterdam, 2019: Discussion on MDN Browser Compatibility Data
- Hack on MDN Paris, 2018: Building useful tools with browser compatibility data
- FOSDEM Brussels, 2018: The MDN Browser Compat Data Project
- Write The Docs Prague, 2015: Gardening Open Docs
- Jfokus Stockholm, 2015: What's next for JavaScript? - ECMAScript6 and beyond
- Many MDN Doc Sprints, including the very first Web Standards Doc Sprint in Paris, 2010.